HealthMSO, Using Technology to Enable Health

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HealthMSO’s raison d'ętre is to help life science companies improve the health and quality of life through technological advancements.

HealthMSO India uses technology to globally provide staffing for consulting, management, administrative, marketing, engineering, basic science research, clinical research, medical writing, regulatory, legal, and other services to global life science companies.

HealthMSO’s clients range from established medical product and service delivery companies that have been around for decades to start-ups developing tomorrow's cardiac pacemaker or Penicillin. HealthMSO confidentially serves clients of varying sizes to help them achieve their next milestone or fulfil their potential. Due to confidentiality agreements, HealthMSO does not and cannot publicly share details of our clients.

The cornerstone of our philosophy is to first understand the problems are clients are trying to solve, the opportunities they are trying to fulfil, and the challenges they face. Then, develop a model of the status quo, formulate hypothesis of solutions to the problems, plans to realize the opportunities, and causes for the challenges, and finally work with our clients to find and develop solutions.

HealthMSO’s team of experienced human resource specialists and network of consultants, project managers, operations managers, marketing specialists, physicians, engineers (biomedical, computer, electronics, mechanical, software), basic scientists (molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, physics), medical writers, regulatory specialists, and legal experts have decades of experience developing medical software, device, and pharmaceutical businesses. There activities have ranged from early product development through clinical trial design, clinical trial performance, healthcare deliver, and post market monitoring.

If you are exceptional at what you do, have strong work ethic, and enjoy working with people that share these skills and values, then HealthMSO's network may be a fit. HealthMSO strives to attract and retain exceptional individuals in its network by providing a work environment which is both professionally and personally rewarding.

If you would like to join HealthMSO’s network, please email (replace -at- with @) with your curriculum vitae or resume, a brief description of the type of work you would like to do, desired annual compensation, availability, and whether you would prefer to work from home or an office (HealthMSO and its clients have teams based in multiple cities in the United States, Europe, and India).

If you would like assistance from HealthMSO, please email (replace -at- with @).